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  • Chamber Foundation

  • The Chamber Foundation of Sandusky County is a charitable 501(c)(3) entity. Established during the Chamber of Commerce 60th Year Celebration in 2006, the foundation is a vehicle to enhance the quality of life in Sandusky County through the Chamber of Commerce and charitable organizations. Individuals, corporations and organizations wishing to make contributions to address community needs and opportunities can do so through the Chamber’s Foundation.

  • Chamber Foundation Scholarships


    Each year, the Chamber Foundation awards a $1,500 scholarship to one high school senior in Sandusky County. To be eligible for the scholarship you must be a graduating senior residing in Sandusky County, have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend a two or four year accredited institution of higher learning.  The Sandusky County Retired Teacher Association selects the recipient of this scholarship.  


    Apply here

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